Recent Developments.


Recent developments

Recently the temple of Maa Nalateswri has been rebuilt to welcome more of its devotees and get enriched with her blessings. The main attraction of this temple is the throat or Nala which gets never overflowed with water or dries out in comparison to the water that is being offered by the devotees. If you are thinking of paying a visit to this special religious site then you have to visit the temple at 4:30 am in the morning.

Due to high inflow of worshippers, the trustees have build in a number of guest houses in and around of the temple such that the visitors do not face any other problems and complete their pilgrimage safely.

The main construction of this holy shrine of Lord Ganesha was constructed by Rani Bhavani of Natu. In favour of the followers visiting every year, proper accommodations along with temple renovation are in progress. The idol being worshipped rises up to a height of 4 feet sculptured in the rock tablets along with the whole temple. These and many more local sites have been established to make this holy tour to be the best in their lives.

Trustees have taken care of comfortability in those accommodations around the temple site and are cordially inviting followers to rest in there.